Placement Officer


To be a centre of excellence In engineering education for providing valuable resources to industry and society


  • Providing quality education in engineering and technology.

  • Involving in the development of society through technology transfer, entrepreneurship and industry interaction.

  • To inculcate social responsibility and ethical values among students through value education

Mr. K.Venugopalan ME

Lecturer, Placement Officer  & State Placement Officer
Computer Hardware Engineering


Date of joining in this institute : 20-09-2001 :  Nature of association : Regular

Mr. Venugoplan K is serving as a Lecturer in Electronics Engineering, Department of Computer Hardware Engineering. He has acquired his PG from Anna University Chennai in 2017, and AMIE in 2013. Proud to say he was an alumni of this institute and has more than 10 years of Industrial Experience. He was instrumental in starting with Community College in Government Polytechnic College, Perinthalmanna and IEDC here. Since 2019 he has been at the helm of the Placement and Training Cell of this College.

Placement email ID:


 Placement Committee Members - Staff

 Venugopalan.K                                 -    College level Placement officer

 1.Satheesh C   -  CHE.                      -    Dept Coordinator

 2.Sruthi T V      - Electronics Engg. -    Dept Coordinator

 3.Sruthi S         - Civil Engg.             -    Dept Coordinator

 4.Dhanesh M N- EEE.                        -   Dept Coordinator

 5.sasi K            - Instrumentation     -   Dept Coordinator

 6.Sivadasan K - Mechanical Engg.  -   Dept Coordinator